Saturday, 28 November 2009

Birdwatching for beginners

The sport of bird watching, has been for years, and right behind gardening, hobby other is the fastest growing in the United States. It has been said that learning to bird is as always a ticket to life for the theater of nature. And indeed, with their beauty and elegance, the birds are part of life's terrible. Birds dart in every shade of emerald green in Vermilion, beautiful as the flowers of the beautiful flowers. How could we not see the birds?

As with any sport or hobby, but birdit only requires patience and practice to learn and by all means moments of frustration. But if you give a good try, the basics in a short time you will be amazed to learn!

The following are some tips to help you in your approach to it.

The twins are the eyes of a bird-watchers in the world, and can greatly affect the quality of the results of the birds. A good pair of binoculars for bird-watching are good, while bad binoculars can lead to missed birds and severe headaches induced by blurred images,Double vision, and eyestrain. When choosing binoculars for bird watching is cheap is not the right way.

Sure that the power (or magnification) is at least 7-power. Power is the first number in the numerical notation that describes binoculars given. For example, a "7 x 35" pair of "glasses", the objects appear as if they were seven times closer than they really are. Seven power binoculars above the minimum required to see the birds. Binoculars 10 - power, or may be strongerremains difficult for some birders al.

Make sure the second number ( "35" for a 7 "x 35", glasses) is at least five times greater than the power (eg 7 x 35 "," 8 x 40 ", etc.). The number of seconds the collection is the diameter in millimeters, the lens of large size, which is an object of interest - with the objective "of the lens. The most important of this goal, the greater the amount of light the binoculars, and therefore easier it is to see properties in low light conditions or on aopaque colored birds.

Do not buy compact or pocket-sized binoculars (typically 8 x 21 or 10 x 21), as the pair primary birdwatching. Size and weight are attractive, but regardless of the quality of the optics offer a lower quality compressed image format half or two. Another disadvantage is that CD that most have a narrow field of vision, making it very difficult to detect and monitor the birds.

A Field Guide is a small book that is full of information on birds. This issecond best solution is a Birder expert by your side. It describes and shows pictures of birds, and tells you to find what the details of each bird. A Field Guide will tell you what kind of birds in your area and give some advice on what to look good in your bird watching. If you do not have a field guide, will not have the slightest idea of what types of birds, you'll see when it is essential to have.

Most leaders are about the "organized phylogeneticOrder. "Phylogenetic order is the way scientists classify all living things (not just birds), based on their evolutionary history - it is the similarities in their present form, probably developed by the ancestors in general.

The nice part about birding is that it can actually be done anywhere! You can drive in your local park and find some great pieces. If you travel you have a new appreciation of bird songs and see what we can find. You can alsowatch the birds in your garden!

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