Saturday, 26 December 2009

Bird-watching, a free and fascinating pastime for all

My first experience with the bird watching deliberately held in Richmond Great Park. The time, 1966, during one of the first day with my (now) husband. I was there, dressed and ready to fly him to play with my looks drop dead (memory tricks is strange how sometimes you get older!) And it was there, he seduces the undergrowth of the park, pipe I think my head down . No, this was not the feathers of bird it was, after observation, but a woodpecker that has been discovered.Must have been love from me, because even if I do not remember seeing that flash of emerald, I remember my thigh boots covered with mud.

And this was the first of many times that I understand the joys of bird watching shared with my wife. It 'been a Twitcher at an early age has been committed. As a boy, a friend of the family had taken many birding expeditions, having become a big Wader (BUR) in a sewage farm once, now the fifthParking at Heathrow Airport, happy weekend spent watching the many immigrants who arrive on the Norfolk coast of Europe.

Have bird watching is a persistent effect that everyone can learn something, and most of us, "shrugged" at some point in our lives. What child has also ducks and pigeons? Is the only good thing about birds. They are so accessible. You can see almost anywhere and at any time of day. And were you can hear the nightingales and blackbirdsimmortalized in poems and songs. The omnipresent seagulls can be heard much land, even the pigeons cooing strongly in our inner cities crows cawing as they come to their places of rest during the night and transfer gossip, as we gather in large numbers on our roofs, son of the telegraph and the trees city. No other group of wild animals is so easy to see and admire. The ability to fly, and is therefore able to bring himself was out of the way, if necessary, a boon for bird watchers latent in every human being.

This decline in bird-watchingMy husband is the first of many pleasant observations of our feathered friends. Some will never forget. Standing on the Preseli hills in Wales and hear the bubbling liquid from the throats of hundreds of curlews in the evening twilight, but unfortunately not very common nowadays. Or this afternoon on a road bike with my magical young son, and always more than 32 larks, as they rose into the sky from the fields on both sides of us. Another point of view, lessNow, as it was, it was the sight of thousands of starlings darkening the sky and spinning like a wing above the field near our house before, silence, we saw Puffins and Guillemots on Skomer Island off the coast of West Wales and along the coast, we saw many fish of all species of wading birds. And how you can describe the pleasure, two peregrine falcon screech to a dead pigeon ate on the basis of a cliff, sea, or you see the red dragonEasygoing thermal circles above the hills of Mid Wales.

And there's always more. I am so happy that I saw at least one scoop, which runs along a ravine inappropriate, water food. Another regular electricity, herons can be seen in the position of the background in the middle of a field together. What is it? I am saved from the source of all knowledge of birds () my husband is searching for a mole, tasty, and sometimes, when we went to a summer night, there wouldchance to see an owl staring at us from his place high up on a telegraph pole.

We called one of our homes Hafod Y Wennol, Welsh for the summer home of the swallows, because in his previous life as a cow alive, burst the swallows, and made their little mud nests on the walls. We felt guilty, driven from their homes, especially after a long and dangerous journey from their wintering habitat, somewhere in Africa. But swallowing is fertile and poois unacceptable and have a garage and a shed to play in many years have been an important part of our summer, watching the first arrival is always observed. They chirp and diving across the court, a fountain of joy, their expression on the telephone and then by a dark period, as has been heralding the coming winter.

And in our next house, a large Edwardian house, we had the incredible opportunity toHome Summer for a flight of swallows, whose aerial acrobatics, as they shouted past our windows, is ashamed of the Red Devil. We've never been tired to see where they dived, and dived for the insects, the banks last second, when it seemed to be colliding with the wall of the house. It was better than TV!

We were lucky in a beautiful part of the country where the bird life is prolific and constant live. But city dwellers have the chance. In any urban garden, aThe diversity of the city to see the birds, especially with a little encouragement. The introduction of a mother-and-bird-feeder and a table, abracadabra, in a very short time will be great tits, robins, blackbirds, sparrows and finches different if you're lucky, might have the odd Kleiber. The tiny wren could hop up to collect candy and when all of a sudden the cloud of points without any apparent reason, look at the sky and find the shape of a falcon on hisSearch for prey imprudent.

Yes, bird watching something for life, a window or doing chores outside. Bring your children to this fascinating world, and will be glad that is final and will be a free show and get an excellent base for those who treasure some of the wonderful world around us.

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